Domain Appliances News & Articles

7 Key Considerations When Choosing a Dishwasher

Written by Domain Appliances | Mar 17, 2022 3:02:20 AM

These days, dishwashers come with a vast array of functions and features to make the daily chore of washing up faster, easier and more efficient. However, when it comes to choosing the ideal dishwasher for you it’s important to select the model that ticks all the right boxes for your needs, rather than choosing the latest and greatest.

With so many options on the market, it can be tough to narrow it down. So, in this article we’re sharing 7 key considerations, from performance to value, to help you find the perfect dishwasher for your kitchen.

Washing performance

First and foremost you want a dishwasher that washes well, and while all models should of course do this, some take it to another level. For example, there are various washing functions that improve the cleaning performance, such as concentrated wash sprayer for glasses or power spraying cycles for tough grease. You can also opt for a model that has different cleaning programs to suit your needs, such as intensive, soak, rapid and glass functions.

Drying performance

Another important consideration is how well your dishes are dried, as you want to be able to open the door after each cycle and put everything away without delay. The drying techniques used in dishwashers vary, however the most commonly found are ventilation, heating and condensation methods. Each has its pros and cons, for example, heating is generally the more effective drying method, however, condensation drying is often more energy efficient. Features such as the extra dry function give you further confidence that you won’t need to spend unnecessary time and energy on manual drying.

Water efficiency

We all want to reduce our environmental footprint, and choosing the right appliances plays a big part in this. Research shows that dishwashers use less water than hand washing in the sink, but this does depend on your machine’s performance and how you use it. When choosing your dishwasher, be sure to check the water usage on any models you are considering, by comparing the water star rating and litres per cycle shown on the blue label. In addition, make sure you only use it when it is full, or if this is not practical, choose a model that has a half load wash or eco cycle function, so you have the option to tailor your cycle.

Energy efficiency

An energy efficient dishwasher will save you money and reduce your household’s impact on the environment, so be sure to closely compare those stars on your red energy rating labels. Choosing a model with the highest star rating is a smart move, as an extra star can potentially save you 30% on running costs. On top of this, you can reduce your energy further by using your machine efficiently, for example, only washing full loads and choosing the right size model for your family’s needs.


From Wifi connectivity to specialised cycles and options, there’s some pretty fancy functions available in today’s dishwashers. However, it’s wise to not get too caught up with having everything at your fingertips, or you may end up paying a premium for capabilities you don’t need and will never use. Stick to the functions that matter to you, whether that’s water and energy efficiency, connectivity, flexible cycle options or something else.


Like all appliances, maintenance is a must to ensure optimal performance in your dishwasher. However, with our busy lives, this can often be forgotten or delayed due to a lack of time. That’s why choosing a model with functions that make maintenance easy is helpful. Be sure to keep your filter clean and your dishwasher will continue to do its job well.


When buying a dishwasher, there are lots of options, and the key to maximising value on your purchase comes down to getting the balance right between the must-have features and the nice to have ones. Of course, we all want to buy a stylish model that has all the latest functionality but when it comes to value, it’s more about getting the right size and the most water and energy efficient model possible. That way, you’ll keep your ongoing running costs low, so you’ll get long-term value and cost-efficiency over time.

Finding your ideal dishwasher can be easy

Choosing a dishwasher is a big decision—but when you research your options thoroughly, and seek expert advice, finding the ideal fit can be easy. From efficiency to functionality, the various models vary greatly, and when you choose the right one it will lighten your workload and enhance your lifestyle for many years to come.

For expert advice on the best dishwasher for you, pop into our showroom or get in touch with our team on 1300 438 266.