How Do Inverter Split Systems Work and What are the Key Benefits?

Are you considering buying a reverse cycle split system and wondering whether you should purchase an inverter or conventional unit? You are not alone!

As inverter systems are fairly new technology, their features are not yet widely known, and because they generally cost more upfront to purchase, you may be asking yourself if they are worth the added cost.

So, to help you decide if an inverter unit is the right choice for you, in this article we explain exactly what an inverter split system is, how they work, and the key benefits and features that set them apart from a conventional unit.

What is an inverter split system and how does it work?

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The inverter is a recent innovation in air conditioner technology which controls the speed of the compressor motor in response to the surrounding temperature. This allows the unit to change the output of air as the room reaches the optimum level of comfort.

The inverter does this by controlling the frequency of power supplied to the compressor motor, the part that controls the speed and refrigerant flow. This allows the inverter split system to vary the speed and energy output as needed to produce a consistent and evenly distributed heating and cooling output, which in turn maintains an ambient temperature.

How is an inverter system different from a conventional one?

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The operating process is significantly different in an inverter split system when compared to how conventional systems operate. This is because conventional systems lack the ability to alter the output, so they must continuously stop and start to try and reach and maintain the set temperature. This process uses more power and costs you more to run, resulting in higher energy bills. It also puts more strain on the unit over time, which can reduce the longevity of the motor in the conventional unit.

What are the key benefits of an inverter split system?

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An inverter split system has many benefits, as mentioned above, but the standout lies in their enhanced efficiency during operation. The efficiency of the system results in significant cost savings over time and a lower environmental footprint, which are both incredibly important as we all look for ways to reduce our bills and live more sustainably. This also means the small upfront price difference pays for itself fast. 

Another key benefit is in the durability of the inverter system. Compared to a conventional unit, an inverter system is more reliable and will likely experience fewer breakdowns. Finally, the responsive operating process allows you to more easily maintain a comfortable temperature in your space, making it cosy in winter and cool in summer with zero fuss.

Inverter split systems are a smart choice

If you’re looking to buy a split system for your home or business, inverter units are a smart choice. While you may pay slightly more upfront, an inverter split system will cost you less to run, will minimise your environmental footprint and provide you with a comfortable home for many years to come.

Need a split system air conditioner for your new or existing home? Get in touch with our team on 1300 438 266 or pop into the showroom to see our range of quality, affordable inverter split systems today!

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